Like many others out there, I’ve been kind of obsessed with #cottagecore of late. And admittedly, I’m a little late to the game. That being said, pastoral life has always held my interest, at least in the last couple of decades. While I dream of my country home and peruse the Son de Flor & French General websites, I found a very practical way to show my love for this aesthetic and lifestyle.
Read moreHow to Gatsby - Tips for Sewing your own Art Deco Era Garden Party Dress
For myself, one of the most fun parts of getting ready for The ADSC Gatsby Summer Afternoon is making my outfit. It truly brings me so much joy to plan what I’m wearing from my hat and hair down to my stockings and shoes. Sometimes I have more time than other times to figure it out, so depending on my schedule I can make the experience as simple or as complex as I can handle at the time.
Read moreTransforming a 1980's Pink Lace Gown into a late 1920's style Garden Party Dress
This 1980’s pink lace dress has been hanging in my closet for a couple of years. It was donated by the lovely Art Deco Society Member Cheryl Stanton, who thought I might be interested in turning it into something more Art Deco. I’ve been quite busy, but had a vision of how it might turn out, just this weekend. Sometimes a dress just needs time to simmer for a while.
Read moreSewing a 1930's Dress for a Cemetery Picnic
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I stumped when told about our Picnic Inspiration for October - Gothic Cemetery - and our picnic was to be located in a cemetery. The Mountain View Cemetery in Piedmont, to be specific. My daughter Emma had lots of suggestions, but when she told me I should dress like I was going to a funeral, it just clicked.
Read morePerfect for a Picnic - Sewing 1950's Style for Everyday
A couple of weeks ago, I had a weekend picnic event that I had been invited to attend. The theme was “Posh/Glam 1950’s New York City”. Discussions with friends Led to talk of Mrs. Maisel and big full skirts. Not really my era, but I remembered that pedal pushers were quite popular and so were dolman sleeved blouses. I also realized that I could make these things for my every day wardrobe instead of making something over the top for just one event.
Read moreMaking a One Hour Dress - Evening Style
At Gatsby, I heard that the Art Deco Society would be holding the Preservation Ball this year in November. A thrilling discovery as it had been cancelled twice last year due to COVID19. With a look toward this Fall Event, I thought to make my own “One Hour Dress”. My friend Jone wore a version of this dress to Gatsby and it was created with so much ease that I thought it would be perfect done up in fancy fabric.
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